I’ve now bought and used 2 laser printer toner refill kits from TonerRefillKits.com and I’m very happy with them! It took about 20 minutes to refill my second toner, saving about $50 off a name-brand new toner cartridge. I’ll get it down to 10 minutes with practice. It takes a little bit of disassembly and […]
When I started grad school this fall, all us students were talking about how much we had to print out for class… so many journal articles and class readers! Some folks complained at how expensive their inkjet printers were to run and I went into my laser printer rant. Here is the latest incarnation of […]
I’ve had my HP Laserjet P1606dn for almost a year now and I’m really happy with it. reliable paper feeding… I’ve had printers that feed poorly small footprint… it’s a tiny printer, really double-sided printing… works great, professional looking and saves paper inexpensive to operate… with my aftermarket toner. The eBay seller “Toplinkinc” sells toner […]
Posted on 28th July 2012, 11:09 pm under
Update: I haven’t fixed the problem. Read on… A little while ago I bought an ink toner refill for my HP Laserjet color printer. Right after adding more black toner, every sheet had a gray haze. I googled around but found no solid solution, it might have been that the toner formulation was wrong for […]
I just got an HP Color Laserjet 2605dn printer. Wow, the color images come out like photographs. HP is selling them on their website for $250 after a rebate. As I was recommending to my sister recently… Don’t buy an inkjet printer, the cost of the ink will kill you over time. HP has the […]
Someone asked for printer advice. My response: For simplicity and reliability, get any low end black and white laser printer. Double-sided printing and wifi are good upgrades. They just work. Don’t get an inkjet. Don’t get an all-in-one. Don’t get an inkjet. If you’re frugal, get refill kits from tonerrefillkits.com (but have a spare new […]
Posted on 29th January 2022, 03:22 pm under
I bought an HP Laserjet 1020 a few days ago. It sat outside my room gathering dust for a few days; I was worried. I’ve had an HP Laserjet 6MP for the last 8 years and it has performed flawlessly. Would this new printer be any good or has HP lost it. “They don’t build […]
The OT Students’ Commuting Guide to San Jose State University with input from the SJSU OT class of 2015 and 2016. This document was last updated August 2015 and may be somewhat out of date. Have an update? Tell me about it in the comments! Table of Contents Public Transit – BART to Fremont […]
Posted on 20th November 2016, 03:31 pm under
They say you can peer into a man’s soul by looking at his bookmark file. Well, have a gander. To me, it looks like the yearly booksale at the library of Alexandria. Unfortunately it’s impossible for you my dear reader to tell which links I use all the time and which ones I’ve only visited […]
Posted on 24th July 2009, 09:42 am under
Lee Recommends Good Things There are a lot of things that help make my life better. Of course, I like toys, but here I list the things that honestly make life better. Purely Cotton facial tissues – (1-28-08) They have them at Rainbow Grocery. Made by Purely Cotton. I thought I was going to get […]