Rice with spinach, pignolias and lonza
I was throwing together dinner with stuff I had on hand, rice, some pignolia nuts and spinach from the freezer. It needed something meaty but I didn’t have any meat in the freezer. I had lonza from Jessup so I sliced some thin and chopped it so it looked like confetti. It was a culinary revelation! The salt, the texture against the rice, the chew! Wonderful!
Hello Lee,
Thanks for posting the Lonza recipe. I worked in Jessup many years ago at 312 church street(Steve’s TV service) I had lunch at Cap’s cafe every day. I know steve’s TV is long gone, but what about Cap’s? in my last days working at Steve’s,(1988) Cap was selling out to the new owners of the Bar. I also use to go down to Doma’s imports and get some great olive’s and cheese too, they were the good old days. I live near Hazleton now and still make many old world meats, you can see some of them on our web site: danbassak.com
Dan, your web site is an inspiration! Thank you! Your charcuterie and sauerkraut and solar … oh my everything! Thank you!
As far as Cap’s, I’m not sure. I only travel through Jessup briefly every now and then.
You might appreciate some photos I have of Saint Ubaldo’s Day. :-) I’ve got more than just this one but you get the idea :-)
Oh and Dan, I encourage you to look at the other recipes on my family recipe website! It would be an honor to hear that you made some recipes. Or if you’d like, you can call me and we’ll put more of your recipes online.