Archive for September 2003

Two weekends ago: Upstate NY

I went on a little vacation to upstate NY with some friends two weekends ago, starting Friday the 5th. It was a really nice trip.

It started out right. As I pulled out of The Valley, I heard this Chris Smither song on the radio..

I got ba-na-na, watermelon, peaches by the pound,
Sweet corn, mirleton, mo’ better than in town,
I got okra, enough to choke ya,
Beans of every kind,
If hungry is what’s eatin’ you
I’ll sell you peace of mind,
But this ain’t what you came to hear me say,
And I hate to disappoint you,
But I got no love today,
I got no love today,
I got no love today,
No love today

Just the right tone to start me fresh. You see… well, in reading my journal you may have noticed that you haven’t seen anything about any personal relationships that I’ve been in. That’s because I haven’t been in any since Cha. I’ve been relationship-free since I broke up with Cha Cha in October.. To make a long story (and yes, it really is a long story… like a 30 minute tell) short: she told me she had brain cancer when we met. She was a great, fun, interesting, smart person except for the part about how she was going to die in 3 months. Some 2 years later, I hadn’t once been in the same room with her and a diagnosing oncologist… well, except for Cha herself, since she is a well-respected oncologist. And that wasn’t for lack of trying. I asked her straight-out and she refused to give me the names of any of her doctors, proving well enough to me that she never really did have cancer. Wonk.

So…. I got no love today… got no… love today.

So I went on a getaway, played in a kiddie pool, flew my plane over water (flying “without a net” for the first time!), played with old and new friends, and just had a great time. I even met a girl!

Then, on my first day back, I worked 4 jobs and made as much money in my own business as in any day I had worked for the man. THAT felt good. I’m not averaging a reasonable wage yet. But I’m getting there! There’s good karma flowing around me. But I’m going to stop thinking about that because the best way to keep karma flowing is to not think about it.

This past weekend: Housewarming in Philadelphia

When I was in upstate NY, that girl I met asked me, “What are you doing next weekend?” I thought for a few moments. I struggled to remember… I had something planned but I couldn’t think of what it was! I stammered out an, “Umm, I don’t know. I think I… I don’t remember but I might have something important.” She asked, “Would you like to come to Cappy’s housewarming party next weekend?” I smiled, “Oh yea that’s what I had planned!” The world is WAYYY too small. We had just met but were going to the same party some 300 miles distant in a week’s time! Of course I also had the Technology Education test on Saturday morning but that was just an aside. (and she wasn’t going to that! That would have been beyond weird).

Thursday and Friday, go to bed early. Saturday morning 6am, go to Technology Education Test (actually, 6:35am… I got up late but made it in time). 11am, drive to phila in the driving rain. 1:20pm, arrive at her apartment. I had told her on the phone a few days earlier that if she could actually make a really good thick crusted peasant bread, I’d worship her. Well, I helped her make the bread… though I cringed several times at her technique: the dough was way too wet, it wasn’t rising enough, it didn’t seem to be kneaded properly. 25 minutes later, as I checked it in the oven, I began to ready my knees for some serious worship. When we ate it an hour later, I was in full worship-mode. Apparently, knowing too much about how bread “should” be baked can be a detriment to how to should be baked!

I’m only thinking about this now but she made that masterful breadness only 2 weeks after moving into her apartment. She barely has her bedroom set up but she pulled all the right ingredients and tools out of boxes to make that for me! That was a feat. And she did that for me [grin!].

There is more. Lots more but I’ll write about it tomorrow.

Shaolin Soccer

The release date for Shaolin Soccer has been pushed back AGAIN. The original July 15th release date would have made it a great Summer flick. The revised August 15th release just barely made it in for the Summer crowd. When they switched it to September 15th, I got miffed. An Indian Summer kung foo/action/comedy? Maybe. Now Moviephone says It’s being released December 26th. Boxing Day? What the frig? Shaolin Soccer plays off of the Matrix hype in a funny way. But since Matrix Reloaded sucked, Matrix-mania is fading pretty rapidly. Maybe they’re trying to time it after Matrix Reloaded’s November 5th release date. But Boxing Day? That’s too late! I give up.

Jeez, I get excited about going to one movie in the theater in a year and look what happens. Hurumph.

But I -did- have a really really good weekend. I’ll tell you about that soon. And heck, last weekend was really really good too. So what am I hurumphing at?

Of Iceburgs and Tips

I just found this online at

Release Date Note: (7/19/02) This was originally scheduled to open on April 5th, 2002, then, August 30th, 2002, and now sometime in the 1st quarter of 2003. (8/16/02) This has been pushed back a little bit again, now to April 11th, 2003. (1/31/03) Miramax has bumped this back another four months to August 8th, 2003. That’s 16 months after its first target date. (6/23/03) Miramax has adjusted this movie a week, from August 8th to August 15th. (8/8/03) Miramax has dumped their plans on giving this film a wide release, going with a platform release starting on September 5th instead. As reports, this decision comes with the news that Miramax has decided to go with the original dialogue (with subtitles) rather than doing an English dub. (9/2/03) Miramax has decided not to release this film this week after all, with no word now on when they might release it to the U.S. public. Might they now be considering sending it direct-to-video? (9/4/03) Miramax is currently looking for a new release date in the 4th quarter of 2003.

And this:

Title Note: (1/5/02) Known as “Shaolin Soccer” in Asia, Miramax is changing the title to “Kung Fu Soccer” for the USA release. (4/10/02) AICN reports that Miramax may have decided (rightly) to change the title back to Shaolin Soccer. (4/12/02) That site has received confirmation that the title has been changed back again. (6/27/02) Now the AICN site’s owner, movie fan Harry Knowles is saying the title may be changed back to “Kung Fu Soccer” again. (7/19/02) Well, Miramax has submitted this film to the MPAA, and it was indeed with the “Shaolin Soccer” title.

And the worst part:

Running Time: 86 minutes (edited down from the 111 minutes of the Asian release)

Someone at Miramax needs a Boot to the Head! (click on this link and truly be enlightened!) Ti Kwan Leep r00ls.

Mechanized Astronauts

Why do we send up 7 astronauts in the space shuttle? Why not send up 5 robots controlled by radio from the ground and 2 astronaut/robot-technicians? But of course I don’t know what the heck those 7 astronauts do right now.

This reminds me of an important interview about remotely operated vehicles that I saw on Scientific American (Beneath the Sea: Into the Deep, Part I, May 14, 2002) with Bob Ballard:

ALAN ALDA (NARRATOR) In spite of the spectacular scientific advances that have been made with the use of small manned submersibles like Alvin, Ballard says we don’t need subs like this any more. He came to that conclusion right here on the Galapagos Rift.

BOB BALLARD The turning moment for me was in a submarine just like this one, when we found these unique life forms. And we were down on the bottom of the Galapagos Rift, it was 1979, OK. And biologists had never seen these life forms ever before, and we got them in the submarine and, a scientist by the name of Holger Jannish, who just couldn’t wait to see these creatures. He knew he was going to be famous, just to be the first to see them biologically. And so we got down there and they were right outside the window. And I was sitting over here and I had brought down a new prototype camera system — a digital camera system. And I was looking at the animals and I looked up from my porthole and I looked at Holger, and he had his back to the window. I said, “Holger, what are you doing?” And he said, “I’m looking at the monitor.”

ALAN ALDA That’s amazing.

BOB BALLARD And I said, ” Wait a minute, let me see if I got this right�

ALAN ALDA We came all the way down here�

BOB BALLARD We came all the way down here, and you turn your back to the window — and I went (snap)

The Internet Shouldn’t Be So Hard

To keep your data from being defaced and/or destroyed when logging on to the internet when using a Windows computer, you MUST have the following (this is a bare minimum, not what you “should” have) unless you want your computer to be taken over my the miscreants of the computer world:

  • Firewall – IE: Blackice, XP’s firewall (free but sucky), hardware firewall
  • Pop-up blocker – IE: GoogleToolbar, Mozilla’s blocker, Earthlink’s blocker
  • Spyware blocker – IE: Ad Aware, Spybot Search & Destroy
  • Virus Scanner – Norton, Symantec, McAfee, AVG anti-virus
  • Spam blocker – IE: Spamkiller, your ISP, Cloudmark

You’ve got to install, configure and know (at least in general) how each of the program works so that it doesn’t ruin your internet experience. This sucks. I remember when the internet was a happy, smiling place.

How to Lie with Packaging

I just opened a new tube of Colgate toothpaste. I squeezed the tube…. and I squeezed the tube. Then I squeezed it some more. I looked in the hole to verify I was really going to get what I was expecting. It was on it’s way… So I squeezed a bit more. And then something happened, toothpaste started coming out of the hole. I’d guess that this 8.2 ounce net weight container is 20% air.

Just about all single-serving yogurt containers hold about 20% less than they could. Go ahead and pick up a Yoplait container at the store. Flip it over and look at the underside. The bottom of the yogurt containing portion of the container is a full 1/4 of an inch recessed inside the packaging. This is obvious when the package is upside-down. But then it sits right-side-up on a table, the 6 oz Yoplait container looks to be the same size as the 8 oz Dannon container.

Reminder of a Great Time – Pub 199

I was chatting with Dave B tonight. He reminded me of the great time the two of us had at Pub 199. Pub 199 has this permanent special… call it a specialty… $10 gets you either a lobster and potato or a steak and potato. So we sat down like the guys we are and ordered. The food was guy-good. Good steak. Good lobster. Good potato. Ugh! Ambiance: stuffed beavers, moose, bear, and a deer with Christmas lights in his antlers. Ugh, good! We sat, we ate, we talked, we enjoyed. After the meal, we sat and talked about the world. And then a funny thing happened. We were hungry again. So we ordered another meal. I just (just, ha!) had a heaping bowl of cheese fries. Dave had the other dinner special! All is well in the world.

After dinner, what did we do? We went to a diner for pie! And Dave only barely kept me… and us… from going in to a teen roller rink. He told me tonight, “We’d probably get put in the same cell.” Ha!

Away for the weekend!

I’m going away for the weekend, airplane in tow! Wee!



I was passing by the TV in the kitchen a few minutes ago when I heard this guy on CNBC yelling at the camera, ranting about “disinflation”. He had to yell because he had the New York Stock Exchange trading floor ambient room noise piped into his glassed-in cubby at full volume.

One or two of three things is true: 1) I’m dumb and/or stubborn for not accepting this term as it stands. 2) He’s an idiot for using the term once, a fucking idiot for using it 3 times in one interview or 3) People that actually listen to this drivel are stupid.