Archive for the ‘Other Sources’ Category.

Flaming Lotus Girls Blog

The Flaming Lotus Girls are taking the Hand of God to Australia. No, I’m not going :-(. But a groovy Flaming Lotus Girls Blog was created around it :-). Take a look.

Geostationary Banana Over Texas

Now -that- is going to be cool… err dumb… err… Art.
Geostationary Banana Over Texas

Top Weirdest Web Sites that are Fun!

Tune in, drop out and go to these sites…

Top Weirdest Web Sites that are Fun!


Chertoff said the plot resembled a foiled 1995 al-Qaida plan to destroy 11 airliners in a coordinated bomb attack using nitroglycerin smuggled on board in contact lens solution bottles.


The New Squidlist

The new Squidlist events calendar is incredibly sexy (from a web design point of view of course. It’s not like I wanna marry it or anything)

With 3 clicks I found, reviewed and put in my MS Outlook Calendar “Brains – a zombie art show both visceral and subtle.” Starting tonight at the Space Gallery in SF.

Squidlist is totally cutting edge.

Pirate Radio

A local pirate radio station just put a call out for help. I love stuff like this…

Pirate Cat was down a good part of last week and we are looking for generous souls who would be willing to donate some bandwidth to mirror the Pirate Cat Radio Streams. Now you don’t have to mirror all 3000 streams, but maybe 15 streams at 96k.

Second, Pirate Cat needs a new home for it’s antenna STAT! High elevation in San Francisco is of prime concern, and of course access to the roof of your building. PCR is willing to cover $30 /month of your Internet access or install DSL if you don’t already have it at your home. Antenna is only about 3 ft high and some auxiliary equipment, it will be a really low profile setup, you landlord will think it’s for TV.

…and you should have a strong door so you can’t hear the FCC Police (who knock harder then the Postal Police) at your door.

Ha! I’d consider but my DSL is tapped out (I’m such a geek) and I don’t live on a hill.

Bill O’Reilly is a Liar

It’s no suprise but here’s proof. I can’t find the link to the story…. It’s about MSNBC’s Mr Olbermann catching O’Reilly in several intentional mistatements about a Nazi S.S. slaughter of U.S. troops in Malmedy

I’m just checking out the Crooks and Liars site and I’m liking it.

FLG videos and images

FLG videos by Oliver AKA Mad Nomad, a guy making documentaries and such about the Flaming Lotus Girls. He’s been videotaping this project as well. :-)

Where I’ve been working: The Box Shop


Facts about Jack Bauer

This list of facts about Jack Bauer is terrific. There’s hundreds of ’em…

If everyone on “24” followed Jack Bauer’s instructions, it would be called “12”.

If Jack Bauer’s gun jams, it’s because he wanted to beat you with it.

The truth may hurt, but it doesn’t hurt as much as Jack Bauer.

Upon hearing that he was played by Kiefer Sutherland, Jack Bauer killed Sutherland. Jack Bauer gets played by no man.

When someone asks him how his day is going, Jack replies, “Previously, on 24…”

Superman wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

Jack Bauer sleeps with a pillow under his gun.

Lets get one thing straight, the only reason you are conscious right now is because Jack Bauer does not feel like carrying you.