From the Archive: I’m For Hire

In a fit of nostalgia, I’m going to leave this here… It’s a blog post I made around July 2005 that I had taken down for a long time.


Lee isn’t quite a software engineer, and he’s not quite a sysadmin. He’s what you’d call a computer handyman. He shows up with his bucket of cybertools, and fixes what ails you, whether it’s a cyber-garbage-disposal that’s jammed, or a Interweb-door with squeaky hinges, or anything else…

– A satisfied client

I currently telecommute to an office in New York City part-timefull time (as of 9-27-05). I am available to help you the rest of the time!

I’m currently based in San Francisco, CA. Of course, I can telecommute anywhere in the world.

From 2003 to early 2005, I operated a business called “The Computer Guy” in Hackettstown, NJ. My business statement was, “I go to people’s homes and small businesses, fix their computers and show them how they work.” I have over 150 satisfied customers, many with repeat business, from this venture.

A full listing of the computer services I can perform would be quite unweildy. Instead, here is a brief overview:

  • Part time IT department – Your 5 person office doesn’t need a full time computer guy.
  • Software Quality Assurance – I’ve held manyQA engineer positions
  • Customer Support – I’ve been a representative and CS Department manager
  • Windows, *nix and a bit of Mac. Servers, services, tools, graphic design & layout.
  • Make your WordPress blog shine – spam-proofing, layout, back-end tools
  • Networking – running wire, connecting computers
  • Spam prevention – I hate spam, I know how to stop those vile people and I can help you.
  • Virus/adware/spyware prevention and recovery
  • Small jobs – “make my new digitial camera useful”, “show me how to sell stuff on eBay”, “let me get to my company’s network from home”, “help me buy a computer”, “put my record collection on CDs”, while I’m at it, I can even make that awful bundle of wires behind your desk not look like such such a fire hazard.

I charge $70/hour for general services, $40/hr if we schedule 3 or more training sessions. I charge 1/2 of my hourly rate for travel if my round-trip time is more than 1 hour. I am also willing to telecommute. I will, of course give you a free estimate for any services. I like what I do and it shows. I hold my work to the highest standards of integrity. Regardless of the task, I have fanatic attention to detail and completeness when such attention is called for.Feel free to contact me. You can browse my resume. I can give you many excellent references.

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