Do You Have A Blog?

Do you have a website or blog I should know about? The number of personal bloggers I know has fallen to… well I can literally count them on Count Rugen’s hand (the 6 fingered man from The Princess Bride). The Facebook and subsumed them.

If you’ve got a personal blog, even if you only update it occasionally, please tell me about it! Comment or email!


Here’s my 6. And truth be told, this is a stretch because all but JWZ’s blog is updated quarterly at best.

  1. JD
  2. Morlock Publishing
  3. JWZ
  4. Sheet Metal Alchemist
  5. WotW


  1. Carol V. Calhoun says:

    I do, but you may not find it very interesting.

  2. Roboticist Riiiiiiiick!!! says: . Oh and your comment section thinks I am posting spam.

  3. lee says:

    Thank you Carol and Rick! I’ll add them to the sites I browse!

    Rick, sorry about the spam-proofing. The only spamproofing I’ve used for a while on my blog is “block anything that has ‘http://’ or ‘https://’.” That strategy has stopped a quarter million spams since 2013 and has “just worked” which is awesome.

  4. Laura Burgess says:

    I have a food and recipe blog, if that interests you;

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