How do I find out how you are doing?
If you are a friend of mine, I’d appreciate an email or phone call telling me how I can best keep up with you.
With so many technological marvels at our disposal for being social, I feel as though I have fallen out of touch with everyone. So tell me, what is the best way for me to find out what’s going on in your life? I don’t want to know what you had for breakfast, I want to know how you are. I am frustrated when I find myself wading through a sea of Tweets or Facebook posts and I still miss actually important notices.
Popular options these days include:
mailing list
in person
Oh, and to answer the question for myself: Find my blog at And for important posts, look here: I forward all my posts to Facebook and Twitter but the real content is here on
In person would be nice, but inconvenient due to the distance between us. These days, most of my stuff is on Facebook, although the kink-related stuff is still on LiveJournal. I have a Google+ account, but really don’t want to write stuff in one more place. (And since most of what I write is friends-only, forwarding to other services doesn’t work.)
The only way to really find out how I’m doing is either private email, snail mail or in person – I’m awful about talking on the phone and don’t believe in texting for real conversations. I almost never post how I really am on facebook, et. all, as there are just too many data crawlers that capture supposedly private information. I used to write “real” things on my livejournal, but don’t anymore for all of the above reasons. I do try to at least keep my posts about breakfast a little bit interesting as I only talk about food I’m cooking or just made :-)
“I don’t want to know what you had for breakfast, I want to know how you are. I am frustrated when I find myself wading through a sea of Tweets or Facebook posts and I still miss actually important notices.”
Of course it’s better to see friends and loved ones in person to catch up with their lives. However, we cannot deny the fact that social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are also effective means of communicating with other people despite the fact that these are somewhat impersonal. Online social networking sites are very useful when it comes to communicating with other people in another country.
Internet is certainly the most effective way of bridging the gap between people. So, exchanging e-mails, tweets, or shoutouts to your friends is just another way of taking advantage of what the internet can do.
Sunny J. Keefer
Sunny, I don’t understand your missive. Is this a new kind of comment spam? You answered my post with a non-answer.