Autohotkey is Great

I’ve been using Autohotkey for keyboard macros for a while now. I find it virtually indispensable to work quickly and productively. It rocks.

Here are the most useful macros I use on a regular basis, lifted straight from my AutoHotkey.ahk:

; hit ctrl-space to make the current window always on top. From
^SPACE:: Winset, Alwaysontop, , A

:o:..3::My address
:o:..4::415-…My phone number

^!r:: ; Run gedit with Ctrl-Alt-r
;IfWinExist, Notepad++
; I found the name of the window by using “AutoIt3 Window Spy”, which comes with autohotkey
IfWinExist, ahk_class gdkWindowToplevel
Run, “C:\Program Files\gedit\bin\gedit.exe”

^!c:: ; Run Calc with Ctrl-Alt-c
IfWinExist, Moffsoft FreeCalc
; Run, calc.exe
Run, “C:\Program Files\Moffsoft FreeCalc\MoffFreeCalc.exe”

^!t:: ; Run Truecrypt with Ctrl-Alt-t
IfWinExist, TrueCrypt
; Run, calc.exe
Run, “C:\Documents and Settings\Lee\Desktop\My Truecrypt”

^!d:: ; Run Chrome with Ctrl-Alt-d
IfWinExist, New Tab – Google Chrome ; If there is already a blank window, bring it to front
WinActivate, New Tab – Google Chrome

IfWinExist, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_0 ; grab a Chrome window and click ctrl-n to make a new window
Send ^n

WinWaitActive, New Tab – Google Chrome, , 1 ; wait to see if the command worked

IfWinNotExist, New Tab – Google Chrome ; if we don’t have a new chrome window by now (IE, clicking ctrl-n didn’t work) then

start it manually
Run, “C:\Documents and Settings\Lee\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe”
WinWait, New Tab – Google Chrome, , 3
WinActivate, New Tab – Google Chrome


^!w:: ; Run Windows Explorer with Ctrl-Alt-w
IfWinExist, My Documents
Run, explorer.exe
Run, explorer.exe

:o:.address::My full address{enter}San Francisco, CA 94110{enter}

:0:.80::123456789012345678901234567890123456 >40< 3456789012345678901234567890123456 >80{enter}

:o:.–::{- 50}{down}{home}
:o:.-=::{- 50}{enter}

:o:.=-::{enter}{- 50}{ENTER}{- 50}{down}{home}
:o:.==::{enter}{- 50}{ENTER}{- 50}{enter}——– Original Message ————-{enter}——– End of Original Message ——{enter}—- Start of Snippet —-{home}{down}—- End of Snippet —-{enter}

:o:.s::San Francisco Francisco, CA
:o:.c:: California

:o:.bc::Berkeley, CA ; This hotstring replaces “]d” with the current date and time.
FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, M/d/yyyy h:mm tt ; It will look like 9/1/2005 3:53 PM
SetKeyDelay 0 ; This sets the keystrokes below to be sent faster than the default.
Send %CurrentDateTime%

To get you excited in case you can’t read this configuration file, here are some examples:

:o:..3::My address

I type “..3(Return)” and it replaces that text with my street address. I use this all the time when buying stuff on websites. Oh, it’s a “3” because my address starts with a 3, making it easy to remember

^!d:: ; Run Chrome with Ctrl-Alt-d

I hit Control-Alt-D and it starts Google Chrome. Or if there is already a blank Chrome window open, it gives it the focus. This is sooo much faster than picking up the mouse and clicking the icon a thousand times a day.

^!c:: ; Run Calc with Ctrl-Alt-c

Pull up the calculator with a quick key combination——– Original Message ————-{enter}

I type “.ms” (short for “message start”) and it replaces it with, well, I’ll let you guess. Similarly, “.me” is short for “message end”.


  1. […] – giving me keyboard controls like Ctrl-Alt-C for Calculator and “..4″ to automatically type my phone […]

  2. Tetedemont says:

    AutoHotkey is great indeed. The time I saved not typing predefined text and commands is so valuable. Combined with the Enterpad (an overlay keyboard) I’ve got, I don’t even need to remember shortcuts and just have to press a key to have my command done.

  3. lee says:

    I’ve had trouble with the script above that starts Autohotkey. Here is how to reproduce the problem:
    * Bring Editpad to focus
    * Bring Chrome to focus
    * Alt-Tab to Editpad
    * Ctrl-Alt-d it brings up Chrome BEHIND Editpad, if you type, Editpad gets the text :-(

    Here is the fix:

    ^!d:: ; Run Chrome with Ctrl-Alt-d
    IfWinExist, New Tab – Google Chrome ; If there is already a blank window, bring it to front.
    WinActivate, New Tab – Google Chrome
    ControlFocus, Chrome_OmniboxView1
    Run, “C:\Documents and Settings\Lee\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe”
    WinWaitActive, New Tab – Google Chrome, , 10 ; wait for up to 10 seconds for Chrome to open
    if ErrorLevel ; if Chrome doesn’t open within the timeframe, throw an error on the desktop
    ; MsgBox, Chrome WinWait timed out.
    TrayTip, Autohotkey, Chrome WinWait timed out, 5
    WinActivate, New Tab – Google Chrome ; activate the chrome window
    ControlFocus, Chrome_OmniboxView1 ; and make the omnibox have focus

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