Archive for February 2022

ISO desert electrolyte replacement drink recommendations

ISO desert electrolyte replacement drink recommendations.

Our family is going on a trip to some dry places… Death valley, grand canyon, places like that! When I have been to very dry places like a desert (ahem, Burning Man) I’ve done very well drinking sport drinks like Cytomax. I recall one time in the desert drinking a LOT of water but my super-low-humidity headache didn’t stop until I drank down a liter or Cytomax.

All we really need is probably a basic electrolyte replacement drink for our desert-y trip. I haven’t explored the marketplace of such drinks In a long time. Do you have any recommendations?

Wildflowers Rockin It

I planted a few wildflower gardens around the house in November. They are doing amazing!

Best Pizza in America

It’s a point of pride that Cheeseboard Pizza in Berkeley was named Best Pizza in America by Yelp! We go there when we can because it IS the best pizza! I used to live across the street from Arizmendi Pizza in the Mission, which is a very close relative of Cheeseboard. They serve very similar, amazing, sweet, sauceless, veggie, one-style-per-day slices!


Sunbeam Electric Blanket App Steals Data

Here is the letter I wrote to Sunbeam today

Data Privacy Enquiry
Attn: Data Protection Director
6655 Peachtree Dunwoody Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30328

Lee Sonko
[address redacted]

Dear Data Protection Director,

Holy Moley! I did not expect my new Sunbeam electric blanket to be stealing my data!

I bought your Sunbeam LoftTec Wi-Fi Connected Heated Blanket and installed the required Sunbeam app. Every time I start the app on my Android phone to control my electric blanket, I see a message from Android saying “Sunbeam pasted from your clipboard.” Why is your electric blanket app scraping my clipboard? An electric blanket does not need to know what is in my phone’s clipboard!

Please tell me you will fix this insane privacy and security hole!

I looked through the Privacy Policy of the app and you made no argument for capturing my clipboard. In fact, the Privacy Policy reads:

Unless specifically requested, we ask that you not send us, and you not disclose, on or through the Sites or otherwise to us, Sensitive Personal Data (e.g., religion, ethnicity, political opinions, ideological or other beliefs, health, biometrics or genetic characteristics, criminal background, trade union membership, or administrative or criminal proceedings and sanctions) unless specifically requested by us or required by law.

So you don’t want my sensitive personal data, and I don’t want to give it to you, but you make it impossible when you’re grabbing snippets of my clipboard!

I’ve already returned the electric blanket. I would love to buy a version that doesn’t violate your own Privacy Policy. It could be the best electric blanket on the market but as it stands, it literally can’t be trusted.

What is “clipboard scraping”? It’s when an app grabs the contents of your clipboard. Sometimes it is a convenience feature so a user doesn’t have to copy-and-paste data themselves. But if the app obviously doesn’t need the data, the only reasons are nefarious ones. An electric blanket does not need to know what is in anyone’s phone’s clipboard! Tik-Tok stopped the practice promptly after it was exposed in 2020. I hope you do the same.

Most sincerely,
Lee Sonko

Making Progress on Flickering Light Project!

I’m continuing to make progress on my Flickering Light Project! In brief, lots of new LED lighting flickers and I’m one of the 5-10% of people that thinks they look like horrid strobe lights.

I went to Portland last week to work with a US Department of Energy researcher and her team that are developing new lighting standards designed to eliminate visible flicker in lighting. The industry wants a good standard and we aim to provide it!

Now I might start working with some academic researchers as well to investigate how some eyes see differently than others!

This is very exciting stuff!

Read more about what I’m talking about here. If you’re bothered by flickering lights, drop me a line. We can do more together than apart!