Reminder to Self: Cancel Account
Reminder to self: cancel my account. Their long history of misogynistic ads belittle women.
My Godaddy account is paid up through most of 2015. I’ll be switching in a few months.
I made this decision in 2012 and will follow through with it. You might want to do the same.
Godaddy replied to this post on my Twitter feed. Here’s the exchange we had:
â€@GoDaddyHelp Oct 26 @LeeSonko Hi Lee, we changed our advertising recently. Have a look. …
@LeeSonko Oct 26 @GoDaddyHelp I signed up b/c you were a well known company, I didn’t realize WHY. I won’t stay with a company founded on misogyny
@GoDaddyHelp Oct 27 @LeeSonko I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you keep an eye on our recent and upcoming changes before making a final decision.â€@LeeSonko Oct 27
@GoDaddyHelp I am embarrassed to have given money. It won’t happen again.