Archive for October 2010

Flame Effects Get Together July 18th

My Flame Effects class had a little get together at NIMBY over the summer. Here are some photos from David Nichols

My favorite images from the set…

Great fun!

Why I Live In San Francisco

I’m septuple booked with fun stuff this coming weekend.

– meeting with Schuyler for burritos and mechatronic art fun
– going to SWARM Camp, upgrading SWARM for the singularity
– Picking up equipment (and coworker) from the airport and calibrating it over the weekend for my upcoming trip to Saudi Arabia
– Going to a relatively low key fire art kinda party
– Going to an over-the-top fire art kinda party
– Assembling RBBB kits for an upcoming Crucible class (I’m probably not teaching any of it though :-( )
– Going to a One Man Band festival (Cafe Du Nord, Sunday 10pm) and finally seeing Chicken John in the flesh

Das Rad – The Wheel

Das Rad

an insightful, beautiful video about rocks.

The credits read “C 2001 Wittlinger Stenner Gruber”

Keeping up with the Jones … by Going to Burning Man

Trav writes a very thoughtful piece.

Wandering around the desert wearing nothing more than body paint, a jockstrap made from a $1 pair of used overalls, and a ceremonial staff covered with LEDs and driven by a microcontroller that you soldered together and programmed out of $15 worth of parts is the new conspicuous consumption: it takes $16 worth of materials, and 2,000 hours of time.

Yup. That’s how wer’re wired. Funny, i’n’t is? Go read the whole thing.

Darn, I see all kinds of interesting arguments I’d like to pick at. If only I could get my inbox below 400 unread emails. (yeah, I’m flaunting a little by saying that, but also it’s uncool of me to not reply to my friends’ emails :-o)

Box Shop Party Oct 15! NIMBY Party Oct 16!

Warm up your flame throwers^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H effects and get ready to gyrate your hips. This coming weekend is going to rock.

Box Shop Party

Friday October 15th, 8ish at
The Boxshop, 951 Hudson Ave, SF (Hudson is a dirt road that’s the first left off of Evans past India Basin Park)
Bring some food or drink or fire to share.

There will be fire, pumpkin carving, the Boxshop Jam band(only for people who can’t play instruments!), the incredible athletic prowess of Boxshop ball bearing curling, high Voltage powered by fart machine, and whatever other silliness and debauchery the night may bring!

Saturday Oct 16th

$16 donation and up
Extra action Marching band
2pir back from Denmark
Tiger Honey pot
The Can Cannibals
The Traveling Wonders of The Boiler Bar
The Derailers
The Merkins
Alex Nolan’s Solar Sound Sculpture SOL
The Disgusting Spectacle
Work by Hett
Work by Feng Jin
Work by Clody Gates
Work in progress by Carl Heiney- Rajaphant Work in progress by Bruce Tomb- Maria Del Camino Work in progress by Gimpy’s Hotrods- 1929 Model AA work by Zsuzsanna Laszlo Works in progress by Ilana Spector and Mark Grieve The Fountain of American Truth by John Porter Chriss Schardt’s 4pyre2 Work by Spy Emerson Photo Boof And much much more!!
If you think nobody cares, miss a payment Bike racks provided Close to BART come on down, the water is great!

Find us on Facebook at

Find us in Oakland at 8410 Amelia Street off 85th

Find us on the web at

Working in Malaysia

Here’s a video bit of Brent and I talking about earthmine to the people in Cyberjaya, Malaysia.

(local version)

(download the .flv)

PS. Great thanks to Moses Francis at Cuzzy Media for sending me an .flv version of the video that I can make available here. The Cyberjaya folks are all terrific!