Head Royce School Maker Presentation

Last Friday Marnia and Jessie and I presented SWARM to 3 assemblies at the Head Royce school in Oakland. It was a lot of fun! It’s amazing how the 3 different crowds, 6-8 grade, 9-12 grade, and 4th grade needed COMPLETELY different presentations. And over the course of the 3, we all became better presenters :-)

Also presenting was Ken Murphy of Blinky Bug fame and Dan Goldwater with is POV and acrylic bike :-)

Great Thanks to Michelle Hlubinka AKA Binka from Maker Media for inviting us!  

We got a followup comment from a teacher:

When I picked him up, [the student] said that today was the “best day of the entire school year.” He was enthralled with the “Make” guys and knows that he “wants to be those guys.” Owen, [the student] plans to talk to you to find out how he can connect with them with the goal of working with them in the summer or the future.

Thanks for getting one teenager very very excited about the future.

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