NoSpamNX blocks WordPress Comment Spam

I just had to gush about NoSpamNX. It’s been my only spamproofing on for 6 months now and it’s worked exceptionally.

  1. I set wordpress to moderate unknown user comments
  2. I installed NoSpamNX
  3. I set the NoSpamNX Local Blacklist to block “http://” and “https://”
  4. I removed the URL field from my comment interface
  5. I put a note in my comment file telling users “Do not write “http://” in your comment, it will be blocked.”

I still have to moderate new user comments but this is easy and I want to watch my blog comments anyway. The amount of spam I have to review from the moderation cue is very low at 1-5 per week. On rare occasions, I enable the blocking of specific strings like “win free sex now” to stop some comment spam bots (I think I’ve done that 3 times in 6 months). NoSpamNX has been blocking 200-1,000 comment spams per day for a long while now.

Hurray and huzzah!

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Do not write "http://" or "https://" in your comment, it will be blocked. It may take a few days for me to manually approve your first comment.