Credit by Exam or: How to Get a Bachelors Degree in 6 Months
I met a guy named John who has plenty of education but from a school that wasn’t accredited. Now he’s trying to get into a master’s program like I am. So he figured out how to test out of almost all of a college degree!
This is useful if you need to pick up some classes that you already know, or if you are a super genius and can study for college at home, or need just the right summer class to round out your prerequisite classes. I am in the last camp.
Here are some links that point to some great Credit by Exam resources. John used these programs to great effect. I haven’t used them yet but certainly might this summer.
great link for college degree planning Degree Forum is the site for those people utilizing credit by exam and applying those credits to degrees
Excelsior College in Albany The largest of the schools accepting up to 120 credits.for their degree programs
Thomas Edison State College in New Jersey TESC also takes 120 credits toward their Bachelor’s degrees The first website dedicated to Credit by Examiniation An excellent resource for free CLEP DSST ECE prep materials