I just got a set of personal cards (as opposed to business cards) made at Vistaprint.com. I must say that they look totally sharp. $10 for 500 high quality cards, delivered.

Do you like the Fleur-de-Lee?
The font is Aetna JY Newstyle
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Nice and clean. What kind of stock are they on?
It’s on their standard weight matte stock, it feels like 80lb or so. The paper has just a bit more texture than standard 20lb copy paper. It’s nice. I’ve gotten a 100lb linen lath card stock with little ridges before and I liked it more but I think it shouted “lawyer / old money” a little too loudly.
Huh, there’s an interesting idea for cognitive dissonance. Make an incredibly tacky card on really nice paper. You’re hand would be lying to you about quality.
One of these days I’m gonna get off my butt and have some laser etched aluminum or steel cards made. I just think they would be an awesome thing to have for really special occasions. Of course, you run into the problem of making your cards too precious and you’ll never give them out then.
First rule of business cards: don’t make them so expensive that you can’t afford to give them out like candy. It’s an introduction, like a handshake, not a gift.
So get the CNC laser cutter going to make them by the dozen!
Have you seen the lego cards? They are truly awesome.
Vistaprint is great! I use them for my business cards. Be careful when ordering glossy, they are finger print magnets. They look great if clean, but horrible if smudged. Matte is the safe way to go. I like the Fleur-de-Lee, subtle and decorative.