Letters to Governor Schwarzenegger about Gun Bills

Two stupid gun bills recently passed in California. I urge you to call governor Schwarzenegger via  the automated voicemail system at the bottom of this post to suggest he veto this bill.

Read more about the  Ammo Ban (AB962) and the Gunshow Ban (SB585)

To find the full text of these two California bills, go to Legalinfo.ca.gov/billinfo.html and search for “ab 962” or “sb 585”. Yes, it’s written in boring legalese but you should read it!

I took the time to read the bills and yes, they really are bad legislation. I faxed the governor the letter below.

Governor Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-558-3160
September 22, 2009

Governor Schwarzenegger,

Please do not allow AB962 or SB585 to pass.

First, SB585. Why the heck would a law be written specifically to deny lawful trade at a specific location? Criminals don’t buy firearms at the Cow Palace. Law abiding citizens buy and sell legal products, fully keeping with appropriate law. Do you remember Proposition H which tried to ban handguns in San Francisco? Even the San Francisco police took a strong stand against this proposition! It was a great bother and waste of resources to force the California Supreme Court to nullify that proposition.

AB962. Its goal is to make it more expensive and more of a pain in the ass for legitimate gun owners to buy and sell ammunition. Why? There is no problem in America with legal gun owners or their ammunition. Criminals don’t buy their guns at gun stores.

Guns are dangerous, it’s true. And they will always be “problematic” but these two laws do not help anyone. They might make law makers feel better, but they won’t protect anyone from gun violence.

Thank you for your time,
Lee Sonko

I urge YOU, yes you reading this right now to spend 5 minutes and call the governor right now.

(Call any time of the day or night. You’re calling a machine)

FOR AB962 (Ban on Internet Ammo Sales) passed 9/11/09:
Step 1: Call 916-445-2841 (Governor)
Step 2: Press 1 for English
Step 3: Press 2 to comment on a bill
Step 4: Press 2 for AB962
Step 5: Press 2 for Oppose (VETO)
Step 6: Make your voice heard- repeat as often as possible!!

FOR SB585 (Ban on Cow Palace Gun Show) passed 9/9/09:
Step 1: Call 916-445-2841 (Governor)
Step 2: Press 1 for English
Step 3: Press 2 to comment on a bill
Step 4: Press 3 for SB585
Step 5: Press 2 for Oppose (VETO)
Step 6: Make your voice heard- repeat as often as possible!!


  1. Rick says:

    Also be sure to call your representatives about both of these. I have called about the Cow Palace bill and will soon call my representative about the ammo ban.

    I believe that certain rights are inherent and natural to the human condition. One of these rights is the right to defend yourself. Owning weapons, including guns, is a peaceful and lawful expression of these rights, and is codified as such in our Constitution. Also, it has recently been verified that this is an individual right, and not the right of a group or militia.

    These bills are clearly unconstitutional and against the natural and inherent rights of all human beings and should be opposed.

  2. […] as stated in the First Amendment, I suggest you support the other nine with all your strength! Please support the second  amendment  by calling Governor Schwarzenegger today! FOR AB962 (Ban on Internet Ammo Sales) passed 9/11/09: Step 1: Call 916-445-2841 (Governor) Step […]

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